7 Signs You’re Not in the Career You’re Meant to Be in

If there’s anyone who understands a roundabout, detour-ridden, “girl, just wait ‘til you hear what went down at work” kind of job history, it’s me. I’ve worked in hospitality as a busgirl, hostess and barback. I’ve worked in childcare, fitness, healthcare, construction, technology, interior design, real estate… I even got roped into one of those pyramid schemes in my early college days, selling knives door to door. (Thank you, Vector Marketing.)

Here’s what I’ve realized. None of those jobs were able to capture and hold my attention for any meaningful length of time for one, primary reason: they weren’t my jam.

I don’t mean to sound glib when I say that, because committing to a profession, honing a craft, and contributing to people’s lives in an impactful, memorable, and real way is an admirable way to spend one’s life. I’m simply saying I hadn’t found it. Yet.

Tell me if any of the below describes you because it sure as hell described me when I was trying to find my way through my meandering, “you’re kind of all over the place” resume during interview after interview… because I’ve boiled down the past 15 years of my contribution to the workforce of the little corners of cities I’ve worked into these seven, core signs.

I’ll be putting on my nursing hat here, from before I dropped out but after I began clinicals and was working as a CNA because, at the end of the day, we need to deal in facts.

Sign #1: You’re Addicted to the Snooze Button

You’re addicted to the snooze button like your life depends on it. People who love their job don’t need to set three alarms to wake up every day. Period. End of story. Phone it home, and I’m happy to roll up my sleeves and arm wrestle you to prove you otherwise - but even if I was having an off day, that wouldn’t change the fact that it’s the truth. Day after day after day, you oversleep and hit that snooze button, pissing off your significant other who can’t for the life of them understand why you can’t just pull yourself up out of bed and put your feet on the floor.

Sign #2: You Stay Up Way Too Late Doom Scrolling on Social Media

You’re addicted to snooze because you stayed up way too late the night before doom scrolling on social in search of an escape from the mediocre reality of your daily life. Now that I read that, it does sound kind of harsh. But again, #truthhurts. Also, #toughlove. What are you searching for? Why does scrolling make you feel numb? Why can’t you lay your head down at the end of the day and fall into a much-needed and inviting slumber?

Sign #3: That Crick in Your Back Just Won’t Go Away

No amount of massage from that white elephant gift you won at your friend’s baby shower will work out the knot in between your shoulders. You’ve almost resigned yourself to living with it for the rest of your life, except not, because you’re here and reading this. There is a way out.

Sign #4: Your Co-Workers are Okay But the “Small Talk” Makes You Want to Vomit

They’re nice enough, and your boss says he cares, but you don’t feel it in your gut. Small talk is for those guys in Office Space. You want to actually make a difference and have meaningful conversations, and every time your boss asks you why you can’t just get that simple “to-do” list done, you want to rip your hair out. They just don’t get it.

Sign #5: Speaking of Your Boss, They Don’t Even Share the Same Values You Do

This didn’t seem like a red flag when you started, but it’s become increasingly clear how out of touch they are with who you are as a person and what kind of work you want to do. Your to-do list only grows and even though, on the surface, it doesn’t seem like you’re busy, there are so many days where you simply cannot bring your body to remain in front of your computer long enough to actually get any work done. This is a problem.

Sign #6: Every Time Your Phone Goes Off, You Flinch

You pray it isn’t some non-emergency emergency that Betsy from accounting is blowing out of proportion or, worse yet, your boss sending an inane request at off hours with no respect or awareness for your personal boundaries. When a friend you actually want to hear from reaches out via text, you don’t even look at it until days later because you were trying to avoid work, and then you feel guilty for ignoring your friend.

Sign #7: You Have a Vacation Coming Up But You’re Dreading the Return Before You Even Step on the Plane

You slave away, doing work that your body is physically fighting you on and, when you’ve finally put in enough agony to “earn” your vacation time off, you can’t even enjoy it. Your spouse and kids are excited but can feel your dread making that crick in your back even worse, which only compounds your guilt from ignoring your friend earlier in the week. And you can only imagine what your inbox is going to look like when you get back…which is all you’re thinking about while you’re on vacation.


Look, at the end of the day, I’m all about bad news first, good news second kind of girl. So, here’s the bright side. (Feel free to cue up The Killers in anticipation of this digital drum roll.)

I’ve got you.

The reason I know you’re feeling at least five of the seven above signs is because I was literally living all seven of them for years while trying to figure out what the hell my calling was in life. While I’ll always continue to hone and improve my talent, skill sets, and career, I do know that I’ve found my North Star, and that’s helping you pull yourself out of the rut you’ve put yourself in.

Yes, you read that right. Your situation is of your own making, but that’s actually the best news here because that also means it’s entirely within your control to change it, too.

Drop a comment below or shoot me a DM on social with “LFG!” if you’re tired of living bullsh*t that’s not your jam, because, I’ve got you.

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